Department of Hungarian Language and Literature
About the Department
The primary mission of the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature is to train primary and secondary school teachers and researchers interested in the fields of language and literature. In doing so, it not only plays a crucial role in Hungarian language education and scientific research in the Highlands, but also provides its students with a level of knowledge that can be used beyond the borders of Slovakia. In addition to the compulsory general knowledge, it provides university-level theoretical and practical training in specific fields of language and literature studies (e.g. phonetics, morphology, syntax, semantics, vocabulary, rhetoric, stylistics, methodology of teaching grammar and literature, literary theory, literary history, world literature, interpretation of works, etc.) and related fields (film aesthetics, cultural theory).
It places equal emphasis on the teaching of Hungarian language and literature and on research into it from an academic point of view. Our students regularly participate in pedagogical training and have the opportunity to take part in academic student conferences. The department has two research groups: the Variology Research Group is engaged in linguistic and textbook analysis research, while the MA Popular Culture Research Group focuses on the segment of contemporary popular culture that is in productive dialogue with the curricular issues of science.
Contact: JSU Faculty of Education, Bratislavská 3322, 94501 Komárno.
Head of Department:
Mgr. Gábor Lőrincz, PhD.
Doc. Mgr. Anikó Polgár, PhD.
Associate Professors:
Dr. habil. PaedDr. József Keserű, PhD.
doc. Péter Nagy, PhD.
Szabolcs Simon, PhD.
Senior lecturers:
PaedDr. Patrik Baka, PhD.
Mgr. Vojtech Istók, PhD.
Mgr. Gábor Lőrincz, PhD.
PaedDr. Tamás Török , PhD.
The Research Group on Multilingualism and Educational Linguistics of the ELKH Language Research Centre has been awarded a grant from the European Union ERASMUS+ programme for the project entitled: Romani Digital Knowledge Space: creating innovative Romani-Hungarian digital educational-cultural competence development and resource pack using regional models (2020-1-HU01-KA226-SCH-094146, leader: Csilla Bartha) 2021. One of the partners in the project is the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Education of J. Selye University.
Title of the project:
Networking of Theories in the Humanities
Registration number:
Duration of the project:
01. 01. 2022 – 31. 12. 2023
Principal investigator:
Doc. Péter Nagy, PhD.
List of scientific co-workers:
Dr. habil. PaedDr. József Keserű, PhD.
PaedDr. Patrik Baka, PhD.
Mgr. Vojtech Istók, PhD.
Mgr. Gábor Lőrincz, PhD.
Project summary:
The project deals with the research and application of networking of theories. Based on our hypothesis, the networking of different theories can be observed in the humanities, similarly to the fields of natural sciences. When analysing the phenomena to be studied, according to interdisciplinary expectations, the new theories dynamise and functionalise the older elements of the network. The key to this collaboration, which comes from specialisation in the field, is that researchers are forced to work in teams and combine different knowledge to
create new ones. The scientific work during COVID-19 is not only a complex jigsaw puzzle but one of the most significant scientific ventures of all time. Our project aims to contribute to understanding the continuous renewal of data management, based on metascientific and praxeological principles, as well as on the latest results of literary, linguistic and cultural sciences.
Variology Research Group
On 23th April 2010, linguists working at the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Education of J. Selye University established the Variological Research Group to coordinate their research work. The work of this scientific workshop, which now has extensive international links (in addition to the linguists of the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of Selye János University, the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of the ELTE BTK, the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of the Comenius University of Bratislava, the Department of Hungarian Linguistics of the Eszterházy Károly University of Eger, the Department of Hungarian Linguistics of the University of West Hungary, the Hungarian Language and Literature Department of the Partium Christian University in Oradea, the Hungarian Language and Literature Department of the University of Miskolc, the Hungarian Language and Literature Department of the University of Nyíregyháza, the Hungarian Language Institute of the University of Bratislava, the State Pedagogical Institute of Bratislava and the OFI, which is now structurally part of the EKE, are also involved), is very important because it enables the most qualified specialists to deal with the scientific, theoretical, didactic and methodological issues of textbooks, workbooks and educational documents (curricula, literacy standards).
Members of the research team have presented their research results at ten international symposia. The proceedings of these symposia are published in the following volumes:
1. Tanulmányok a tankönyvkutatás feladatairól, módszereiről (Lőrincz J. – Simon – Török eds. 2014a)
2. Az anyanyelvoktatás dokumentumainak szakmai, módszertani vizsgálata (Lőrincz J. – Simon – Török eds. 2014b)
3. Innováció és kreativitás az oktatásban és a tudományban – A modern (anya-, másod-, és idegen) nyelvi nevelés tantervei és tankönyvei – egynyelvű és többnyelvű környezetben (Juhász red. 2015)
4. A tudományoktól a művészetekig (Zimányi eds. 2015) (the volume can be downloaded from the Eszterházy Károly University website)
5. Acta Academiae Agriensis. Nova Series Tom. XLIII. Sectio Linguistica Hungarica (Lőrincz J. – Lőrincz G. eds. 2016) (the volume can be downloaded from the Eszterházy Károly University website)
6. A tankönyvkutatás szakmai módszertani kérdései (Lőrincz J. – Simon eds. 2017)
7. A magyar mint anyanyelv, kisebbségi és idegen nyelv oktatási kérdései és oktatási segédletei (Lőrincz G. – Lőrincz J. – Simon eds. 2018a)
8. Tankönyvkutatás, fordított tankönyvek, kétnyelvűség (Istók – Lőrincz G. – Lőrincz J. – Simon eds. 2020)
9. Online oktatás – kontaktoktatás Edukációs folyamatok és a Covid19 (Istók – Simon eds. 2021)
10. A virolingvisztika és viroszemiotika aktuális kérdései (Istók – Lőrincz – Török eds. 2022)
In 2019, the research team has republished a selection of its linguistics-related studies published on CD and in various foreign professional journals and publications between 2014 and 2016, thematically selected and collected in one volume - A professional, methodological analysis of the documents of mother tongue teaching. A selection of studies published abroad and on electronic media by the Variological Research Group (Istók – Lőrincz G. – Lőrincz J. – Simon – Török eds. 2019).
In recent years, in addition to the above, two symposia – linked to jubilees – have taken place, in which other guest speakers besides JSU teachers have also participated: the written version of the lectures of the Arany Memorial Conference with title Aranyul – magyarul (Lőrincz J. – Lőrincz G. – Simon eds. 2018b) was published two years ago, and the material of the Ady symposium held last spring is still being compiled.
In 2020, the PeLi Conference on Linguistics in Education featured a presentation by Dr. habil. Julianna Lőrincz, former associate professor of our department, on the occasion of her 70th birthday (Lőrincz – Domonkosi eds. 2020 Stílus – Variativitás – Műfordítás. Eger: Komárom).
The members of the group examine both Hungarian and minority textbooks and educational documents, so in many cases they come up with task sets and alternative curricular content that complement the textbooks or, on the contrary, are intended to draw attention to inaccuracies and errors in the textbooks and to correct them to some extent (not only in a monolingual but also in a bilingual context).
However, such studies and research can only be effective if they reach those who can usefully apply them in everyday practice. This is why all the volumes published so far are available in electronic versions on the Internet, making the results of the research accessible to a wider audience of practitioners and professionals. In addition, a system is being set up whereby teachers in (Hungarian) practice schools in Slovakia and members of the research team are in active contact with each other, so that the results of the researchers can be more quickly incorporated into the teaching process and feedback can be provided on where in the textbooks the ominous points are, which are the parts of the curriculum that teachers feel need to be changed in order to be effective.
The role of poetry
On 11 April 2024, on the occasion of the Poetry Day, Vince Rácz talked to Aniko Polgár, professor of our department, on Patria Radio. The topic was the role of poetry and Anikó Polgár's recently published book of poems, Fordított Gorgó (Reverse Gorgon).
Faculty round for the Mihály Tompa National Competition
On the 27th of March 2024, the Faculty of Teacher Education organised a faculty round for the Mihály Tompa National Competition, which is a reciting contest. On this occasion, the students, namely Mercédesz Karvai, Júlia Szabó, Veronika Fagyas and Dániel Nemes, recited their chosen poems. They will now participate in the national semi-finals. It is our goal to make a tradition out of the recitation competition at our faculty and we would like to thank our students for their participation.
International scientific symposium about the teaching of Hungarian spelling
On 31th March 2023 the Variology Research Group of the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of the JSU organised an international scientific symposium. The event was opened by Dr. habil. PaedDr. Kinga Horváth, PhD., Dean of the Faculty of Education. Szabolcs Simon, PhD., head of the research group, reported on the rich activities of the research group over the past ten years. The event featured presentations by presenters from Romania, Hungary and Slovakia, including renowned textbook and dictionary writers and authors of studies. The conference was divided into three sessions, one online and two presentations chaired by Dr. habil. Ágnes Domonkosi, PhD., Dr. habil. Lőrincz Julianna and Dr. Zsófia Ludányi. The main organizers (Béla Istók, PhD., Gábor Lőrincz, PhD. and Tamás Török, PhD.) plan to publish the edited material of the presentations in the form of a conference proceedings at the end of the year.

On March 8, 2023 at 4 p.m., the MA Research Group for Popular Culture welcomes all interested persons in room 301 of the Faculty of Education on the occasion of the launch of the books Óperenciák by Patrik L. Baka and Tudástér by Péter H. Nagy.
On 14th December 2022 the Multilingualism and Educational Linguistics Research Group of the ELKH Linguistic Research Centre (ELKH) held the award ceremony of tale contest in the framework of the project Erasmus+: Romani Digital Knowledge Space: creating an innovative Romani-Hungarian digital educational-cultural competence development and support materials package using regional models.
The members of the jury were:
- Melinda Rézműves (Senior Romani expert, Institute of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, TENyeK; professional manager, Roma Village House and Creative House of Hodászi);
- Rita Babutsán (Secondary School Teacher, BGéSZC Eötvös Loránd Technical School; ELTE Faculty of Humanities, Doctoral School of Linguistics);
- dr. Patrik Baka L. (Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Teacher Education, Selye János University);
- dr. habil Bartha Csilla (Scientific Advisor, Institute of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, ELTE; Associate Professor, ELTE Faculty of Humanities);
- Zsófia Köllő (Programme Director, Association of Hungarian Teachers in Romania);
- Dr. Judit Raátz (Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, ELTE).
Infrastructure of the study program
Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme Hungarian language and literature teacher training in combination
a. List and characteristics of the classrooms of the study programme and their technical equipment.
Education in the study programme Hungarian language and literature teacher training in combination takes place in following classrooms of Faculty of Education J. Selye University:
T 107 (capacity: 30 people)
T 109 (capacity: 30 people)
T 201 (capacity: 45 people)
T 213 (capacity: 25 people)
T 301 (capacity: 40 people)
T 306 (capacity: 25 people)
T 402 (capacity: 34 people)
T 505 (capacity: 32 people)
Each classroom is equipped with presentation techniques. An interactive board can be found in the classroom T 109. The classroom T301 serves as specialized classroom for student of study programme. The equipment includes: dialectological atlases, dictionaries, posters (the languages of the world, parts of speech etc.), textbooks and coursebooks for primary and secondary schools.
b. Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.).
The university library provides physical access to the literature for the study programme, at least to the extent of the compulsory literature listed in the course information sheets. The library uses the DAWINCI library information system, which is a modern library information system that integrates the latest elements from server applications, database systems, document management and, in conjunction with library knowledge and experience, transforms them into a comprehensive multimedia library system. Since 2006, the University Library JSU has also used this library information system to manage the library collection, manage loans and admin system of publication activities. The system provides users with access to individual library collections through the OPAC Online catalogue via the website. The University Library of JSU just like other university libraries, is involved in the central register of the admin system of publication activities for the needs of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Slovak Republic. Access of students and teachers to the necessary databases is also solved by remote access via CVTI SR. This approach provides access to foreign scientific journals available in the online databases of individual publishers. The university library organizes workshops that support orientation in publication databases and work with literary sources.
c. Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Accesses, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning.
For the needs of distance education or education by a combined method, the university has 4 BigBlueButton video conference servers in operation. An alternative tool for distance learning is the MS Teams platform, as part of the Office 365 A1 for faculty package, which is available to all teachers and students. In 2015, an e-learning system based on the open-source LMS Moodle was created and put into operation at JSU. Moodle continues to offer the possibility of publishing study and additional materials for individual courses, the possibility of assigning homework and electronic testing of knowledge in the authorised zone. In addition to the possibility of cable connection, which is available in the halls of residence, UL and other selected places, students in all JSU buildings have access to the Internet via WiFi connectivity. The person's authentication (login name and password) is required to connect to the network. In 2016, a centralized print system was introduced, which is also available to students.
d. Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.
Main institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme are practising schools and kindergartens which contribute the pedagogical praxis for students of study programme as trainee teachers.
The Faculty of Education is in collaboration with more than 30 practising schools and kindergartens in Slovakia. There are practising schools not only in Komárno, but in Dunajská Streda, Veľký Meder, Galanta, Nové Zámky, Rožňava, Kráľovský Chlmec, Bratislava, Šahy, Štúrovo, Veľké Kapušany, Kolárovo and Rimavská Sobota as well.
In the course of pedagogical praxis students observe and analyse the process of education, learn how to apply theoretical knowledge, and acquire essential skills for the pedagogical profession.
e. Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.
The conditions of providing scholarships from the state budget as well as from JSU's own resources are regulated by the JSU Scholarship Rules and Regulations. During their studies, JSU also provides its students with a stimulating environment. JSU effectively manages and operates JSU Halls of Residence (Dormitories), where it provides comfortable accommodation to university students with suitable conditions for quality housing with adequate hygienic standards and safety. In the area of the Halls of Residence there is a multifunctional sports ground enabling students to meaningfully spend their free time and play sports. JSU also provides students with catering services in the building of the JSU Conference Centre. In the university’s Sports Centre, students have the opportunity to play sports and carry out other leisure activities.
The university also aims to provide opportunities for cultural, social and spiritual activities. Young talents will find their place in the Cantus Iuventus choir. Students also have the opportunity to visit a chapel established in the Čajka Hall of Residence.
f. Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education.
J. Selye University offers its students foreign student mobility opportunities within the mobility programmes Erasmus+, Makovecz and CEEPUS.
The Unit for International Relations of Rector´s Office in cooperation with the faculties of JSU regularly organizes information Erasmus+ days and workshops and offers the possibility of personal or online consultations. Promotional materials, leaflets and brochures are distributed to JSU students. At the same time, the Unit for International Relations of Rector´s Office regularly publishes information on its activities on the website and shares information to students, teachers and employees of JSU through the information tools of the university.
Partner institutions
Other mobility programs